InteloMed® TeleHealth Technology (ITT!)

Facetime, Skype, Zoom...

Collage image of doctor holding iPad and mobile phone with illustrated man above it

Over the past few years, people have recognized that these tools might not be just a communication device for family and friends, and work, but also could be expanded to be a healthcare communication tool. Nothing has made that value clearer than this virulent Covid-19 virus and the need for patients to have medical consultations without going to the physician office.


Several companies have taken that healthcare communications tool one step further by shipping medical equipment to the home, with data transmitted back to the healthcare professional so that actual health metrics monitoring can occur remotely. 


InteloMed envisions a day when TeleMedicine is not just a remote physician consultation via visualization devices — but when we can transform the professional’s communication tool into a healthcare technology. The InteloMed difference is in providing immediate real-time health metrics from the patient to the healthcare professional during the appointment.


Nor does remote monitoring mean a patient requires a PCP office at home. By untethering these health metrics from equipment, InteloMed also expands access exponentially.


InteloMed is the next step in TeleHealth Technology, and it is priming for launch. An IRB is under review for a clinical study, and InteloMed has discussed a regulatory pathway with the FDA. Building from commercialization of a hemodialysis intolerance monitor, InteloMed® TeleHealth Technology has great confidence in its ability to deliver untethered health metrics. 

Technology Summary

InteloMed® TeleHealth Technology incorporates patented medical algorithms for biometrics into a physician app so that healthcare professionals can leverage their own visualization tool (computer, iPad, or phone) to scan the patient during a remote visual consultation. 


This facial scan delivers real-time health metrics to that professional to assist in diagnosis and treatment planning. Data is communicated and can be stored via a HIPAA-compliant cloud. Launch is planned with two metrics, pulse rate and respiration rate, with SpO2, Afib, and Respiration Distress targeted shortly thereafter.

NASA Collaboration

InteloMed was awarded a 2019 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). 


The grant is supporting InteloMed’s focus on proof-of-concept of a remote, non-contact cardiopulmonary monitoring system that can be used to monitor and improve the physiologic and cognitive health and wellbeing of NASA personnel, assess fatigue and stress, optimize training methods, and ensure peak performance in various operational use cases.

Clinical Study

InteloMed® TeleHealth Technology (ITT!) is currently in IRB review for a clinical study to validate algorithms for pulse rate and respiration rate data compared to data from traditional monitoring techniques. 

InteloMed® TeleHealth Technology (ITT!) is not FDA-cleared, and it is not currently for sale.